Do I Need a “Curriculum” for Kindergarten?

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If nobody told you that when your child turned five years old, he had to go to school, what would you do with him? You’ve actually been his first teacher these past several years, so what have you been doing with him? What works well in the rhythm of your family and in conjunction with his interests and ability levels? Now, how can you simply make that more intentional?  (Blatant ad: If you need help, I do offer a consulting service!)

Is my child “ready” for kindergarten?

In many areas, preschool is the new kindergarten, so evaluate any suggestions based on your own child’s development. While your everyday interactions are laying early foundations for language and math and other academic subjects, a focus in the early years might be on social and emotional and character development, as well as self care and life skills. For example, for kindergarten readiness, you might — through everyday activities — teach your child to:

  • Get dressed on his own (but may still need help with zippers or buttons or shoes)
  • Pull his pants up and down
  • Open his juice box at lunch
  • Take care of bathroom needs, including hand washing
  • Recite his name, parents’ name(s), age, phone number, address
  • Take turns/wait his turn
  • Use appropriate manners for various situations
  • Treat others with kindness and honor
  • Use his words to express his needs or feelings
  • Count to twenty
  • Recite the alphabet and possibly recognize the shapes and sounds of the letters
  • Recognize and name basic shapes
  • Follow simple rules and basic directions
  • Use scissors, crayons, pencil, and other basic tools
  • Ask for help when needed

These are just a few; for more detailed suggestions:

Please hold these loosely and remember that children learn at vastly different rates in these early years, so you are looking for generalities in these checklists. You can simply weave these teachable moments into the fabric of your day (vs creating lesson plans!).

What does kindergarten look like?

A primary goal at the kindergarten level is generally to offer lots of experiences – many “hooks” on which to hang future learning. As Renee and Mike Mosiman advocate in their book, The Smarter Preschooler,  children in preschool and kindergarten — and even into primary school — benefit more from an intellectually stimulating environment rather than an intellectually demanding environment.

Practically speaking, the kindergarten day itself might consist of just one hour — or maybe two — of intentional one-on-one instruction, possibly broken into 15-20 minute blocks. (One-on-one instruction refers to sitting down with your child and teaching a specific lesson on letter formation or matching a number to a set of objects, for example. It can also include crafts, projects, or anything else structured — or even just read-aloud time!). An hour is usually plenty, unless your kiddo really wants to keep going! Did you know that an hour of one-on-one instruction is roughly the equivalent of three hours in a classroom setting?

At this age, any concentrated learning will likely need to be interspersed with some brain breaks or wiggle time.

But that isn’t all that makes up the kindergarten day!

Young children need lots of opportunities for movement and time to discover their world, so part of the day could be comprised of purposeful, exploratory, and physical play. See this article for more info: What to Do with Your Early Learner (This article is a good starting point for you. I know some of these resources say “preschool,” but a lot of the principles are applicable even into early primary school years.)

At this age, your child’s play is still his work, and he is learning so much through play and through everyday activities.

I am a huge fan of read-alouds combined with play-based learning, so I encourage you to read to your child daily! For ideas on what to read, how to read, and more, check out Read Aloud to Build Skills and Relationships. Hearing good literature read aloud fosters in children a love for language, builds vocabulary, motivates them to read, and encourages them to use their imagination.

Resources for young learners

Your child can learn the basics of math and language arts (skills subjects) and other subjects through everyday or minimally structured activities:

But if you feel more comfortable with something more focused and want something “outlined” for you, here are some links to check out:

  • Five in a Row unit studies based on classic children’s books (add math and phonics)
  • My Father’s World all inclusive
  • A Year of Playing Skillfully play-based, activities-based, and nature-focused learning for preschool through age 8
  • Add the Wonder unit studies (nature based; add math and language arts) preschool through 8th grade
  • Timberdoodle can be all-inclusive; secular version available; more of a STEM focus than some
  • Gather Round Homeschool  unit studies; add math
  • Queen Homeschool (Charlotte Mason approach) all inclusive
  • The Three R’s of Learning by Ruth Beechick (math, language, and reading intro for K-3rd)
  • Mommy, Teach Me (Montessori approach) by Barbara Curtis
  • Discovery K12 is an online curriculum, more conventional (but free)
  • Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is another online freebie

For math & language arts, some items to check out:

Some books for you (as a homeschool parent) that may be encouraging:

  • The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson (short but powerful; I read the whole book while my banana bread baked)
  • Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson
  • Mommy, Teach Me! by Barbara Curtis

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