High School 101:
Blueprint for Homeschool Success
Homeschool mom of 17 high schoolers shares what she’s learned along the way about graduation requirements, a high school planning “overview,” goal setting, course planning and descriptions, transcripts and recordkeeping, scheduling and lesson planning, grades/credits/GPA’s, incorporating life skills, graduation and diplomas, preparing for life after high school, and more. [Currently available as a 60+ page booklet of notes and forms from Vicki’s workshops; available as e-book.]
High School 201:
Unit Sampler for Upper Grades
The five-year plan we used to begin high school unit studies in grade eight (adaptable for a traditional four-year plan). Includes our credit overview of course titles, course descriptions, unit checklists of individual assignments, suggestions for grading unit studies, sample forms, and more. May be used “as is,” or as a springboard for developing your own program of study for junior/senior high school. Supplement to High School 101: Blueprint for Homeschool Success.
Independent Living 101:
A Mini-Course for High School Students
Teacher’s guide for a hands-on weekly study of independent living, including housing needs, nutrition and meal planning, budgeting, job searches and interviewing, career planning, car shopping, time management, setting up that first apartment, and more. Includes reproducible student worksheets, parent letters, permission forms, etc. (Student workbook also available separately.) Lesson plan options for nine- or eighteen-week sessions.
Everyday Organizing
Home Management for Busy Families
Description to be posted soon.
Families Encouraging Families
A Homeschool Support Group Primer
Vicki Bentley, who served as the co-founder and leader of a 270+ family homeschool support group for almost fifteen years, shares the basic needs of the homeschooling community – and how a support group can help meet those needs. Lots of practical ideas, sample forms, checklists, suggested formats, activities ideas, and more! Part of the Home Education 101 series.
Look, Mommy – A Parade!
Compiled and edited by Rebekah Bentley McBride
In today’s society, where .90 children per American family is considered the average, large families turn heads and start tongues a-waggin’. Look, Mommy – A Parade! a compilation of real-life stories, will highlight the joys and trials, remind you of the laughter and tears, and celebrate the special bonds and traditions that come from living in a big family.
Finding Grace(land)
….and Other Everyday Marriage Lessons (working title)
by Jim and Vicki Bentley