
45 posts

Homemade Tortillas -- Everyday Homemaking

Homemade Tortillas

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup warm water ¼ cup olive oil 2-3 cups fresh flour (we mill our own for maximum nutrition/freshness – I usually use soft wheat or hard white, with a bit of barley) 1 tsp salt ¼ tsp baking powder Add spice/garlic if desired – I use McCormick’s (Original, […]

Kitchen Tips – How to Prep 13 Meat Meals in an Hour

Vicki’s Kitchen Tips How to start 13+ meals in one night: Last week, I bought 15 pounds of very lean hamburger from Sam’s Club (by the case with some friends at a significantly reduced price per pound – Sam’s sells many meats like this if you ask). When I got […]

Chicken Quesadillas

We love these for a quick, simple, nutritious supper! I keep cooked, chopped chicken in the freezer and almost always have either store-bought or homemade tortillas on hand for these. Preheat the skillet to medium high so you don’t burn the tortilla right away — you can see that in […]

Pizza with Less Mess

Here you can follow the process from dough to pizza box. I am not a professional baker; I’m a mom with a mill and a mixer and a desire to provide yummy, wholesome bread for her babies. Hopefully, seeing some of the process “in action” will be helpful as you […]

Artisan Bread -- Everyday Homemaking

Crusty, No-Knead Bread

Read this post for the basics, then check out the update here!   Just five minutes before I head to bed, then a few moments’ prep in the morning, and we have a yummy loaf with a crisy, crackly crust and a very tender crumb. And only FOUR ingredients–but lots […]