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Teaching Multiple Ages

Homeschooling one child can feel challenging. Adding more children at different levels can feel like launching a plate-spinning act, rushing […]

Am I Doing Enough?

If you ask yourself this, you are not alone! In fact, a few years back, I did some research for […]

Learning through Play

Children naturally learn through play, engaging in activities that develop a wide range of skills across various domains. According to […]

Mid-Year Motivation

Got the mid-winter blahs? You are not alone! Maybe you’re having trouble getting back on track after the holidays — […]

Testing Basics

Testing Basics

At this time of year, many parents are thinking about how to assess their children’s progress. The first step is […]

I Hated Homeschooling

Homeschooling isn’t always fun and games and giggles; sometimes it is just downright difficult—especially if the student isn’t particularly thrilled […]

Aaaand…We’re OFF!

“Aaand … we’re off! … like a dirty shirt!” This is how every road trip begins for our family. Well, […]

Chocolate-Filled Paratha

My friend Stephanie over at https://unfoldinglovelyeats.com/ is always on a food adventure of some sort and inspired me to try […]

Orange-Cinnamon Danish Rolls

We like the Pillsbury “whomp biscuits” version of Orange Danish Rolls. Yep, the store-bought, heaven-knows-what’s-in-them version. That little can is […]

Pen Pals

Pen pals! What a fun idea! It’s always more interesting (and motivating!) to write to someone specific, rather than to […]

ElderCare & Homeschooling

ElderCare & Homeschooling

An increasing number of homeschoolers are considering the question of whether to provide in-home care for aging parents or grandparents. […]

Field Trips 101

Field trips can inspire your child to study a topic, give him further insights into his current studies, or provide […]

Teaching Geography

If you know me or have read much of my material, you know I am extremely geographically challenged. I’m not […]

Life is Still Messy

Let’s be real … homeschooling is not a cure for all that ails our families. Life is still messy. In […]